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Marketing During a Recession: Nothing New for Industrial B2B Companies

Bret Olseth, Owner

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Marketing During a Recession: Nothing New for Industrial B2B Companies

A recession is imminent due to Coronavirus (AKA COVID-19). It is important for us to stay safe and make good decisions right now for our families and communities.

It is not, however, the time to make rash decisions slashing your advertising and marketing efforts. Not if you want to stay in business anyway. Now that may seem harsh, but the reality is that manufacturers have gone through recessions many times over and have come out on top. Over my 35+ years working with contract manufacturers, OEMs, and distributors, I’ve seen some of my clients have their best revenue years during a recession. Why? Because they continued to market their business during tough times.

All is not lost, even during a pandemic. However, it is important for businesses to rely on common sense when it comes to their marketing plans and goals.

Now is the time to connect with your customer base and let them know you are available and ready to work with them.

Now is the time to make sure you are showing up on searches when people are looking for businesses they can trust and depend on.

Now is the time to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary.

Manufacturing Growth, Despite COVID-19

While COVID-19 is new, recessions and market downturns are not new for industrial businesses. The post-2009 recession saw impressive growth for the manufacturing sector, something to keep in mind as a recession this year looms near. According to the Leading Edge Alliance, there was increasing optimism throughout the manufacturing sector in 2019. 50% of the manufacturers surveyed expected to see organic growth, while 31% planned to increase spending on marketing and advertising. While the situation with COVID-19 may have shifted some marketing plans, it doesn’t mean your industrial B2B marketing strategies have to be completely eliminated.

In speaking with my clients these past few days and weeks, they have had to adapt to struggling supply chains, mandatory shutdowns, and terrified employees. Despite all that, so many are busier than they have been in years and are pushing for the Digital Marketing Team to move faster, be more creative, and take their business to new heights. These are business owners and marketing directors who understand this is a marathon, not a race, and now is the time to think strategically, not reactively.

Your Website is Your New Lead Salesperson

So often I have tried to impress upon my clients the importance of considering your website to be an employee of their company. While B2C companies readily understand the potential of the internet and their website, B2B companies are slower to adapt. However, in recent years, more and more industrial companies are getting it. I am hearing everyday from previous skeptics that they are so thankful they put the time, effort, and money into their website as it changed their business and revenue for the better.

Due to Coronavirus, working remotely is now the rule rather than the exception. Whether it is a buyer or engineer, chances are they are working remotely. While this might not seem like a huge disruption to some, what does it mean for your business? For many manufacturers, this means a shift from in-person calls and conferences (networking) to virtual everything. With this shift, becomes an increasing reliance on your website as your lead salesperson.

Some things I tell prospects and clients to consider when auditing their website:
  • Is it mobile optimized?
  • Does it have clear call to action buttons readily visible and click-enticing?
  • Is your website’s user-experience (UX) optimal?
  • Does your content speak to the right audience?
    • Will your audience now shift due to COVID-19?
  • Do your product pages contain downloads/PDFs with detailed information?
    • Is all necessary information easily accessible for users to make a buying decision?
  • Does your website have a chatbot?
    • Would a chatbot help your sales team connect with prospective customers better?
The change to digital is something that has been increasing for many industries over the past few years. Having a user-friendly, updated website now becomes a matter of necessity, not just a matter of choice. At this point, a company’s website and digital marketing plan will determine their longevity as a company. Your website is now your storefront.

Coronavirus will Change the Way Manufacturers Think about Marketing

While many manufacturers have shifted to digital marketing strategies, tradeshows and conferences often remained some companies focus of marketing efforts. The emergence of Coronavirus has equated to all tradeshows and in-person events being canceled for the foreseeable future. With tradeshows being a major factor for networking and marketing, having a digital marketing plan that can adapt quickly to uncontrollable circumstances is now essential.  

Even though tradeshows have been canceled, it doesn’t mean personalized experiences need to be canceled as well. Think about engagement and how to connect with your customers more, digital marketing options like social media marketing, email marketing, or even video marketing can help you engage with your customer base in a meaningful way.

Next Steps for Your Marketing Plan

So where do you go from here? Assuming you have adjusted your quarterly/yearly projections, the next feasible step should be to discuss your current marketing strategy with a digital marketing specialist. In talking with a digital marketing specialist, you can create a long-term marketing plan that can be adjusted as needed. It will be important to have access to analytics to gauge your progress and growth.

As you assess your marketing plan, some questions you should be asking yourself include:
  • Does your marketing plan need a Pay-Per-Click program during the short-term to help you connect with prospective customers right now?
  • What new markets or opportunities have been born due to this cataclysmic shift in how we are doing business and operating?
  • Does your marketing plan include quarterly, bi-yearly, annual plans/goals?
    • Does this plan fit into your adjusted projections?

Diversify your Product Portfolio

While there is no current timeline for the pandemic, now is the perfect time to think about diversifying your product portfolio. Diversification can help your business in the long run, offering a growth strategy that can help offset any negative effects from Coronavirus. Additionally, diversification can reduce the risk of relying on one product or market. SEO and digital marketing can help focus your diversification goals, via your website to help you reach your market share and revenue goals.

Remember, people have short memories. If you stop advertising and marketing your business when your competitors are ramping up, it will be more expensive to get your momentum back up, and in some cases, impossible.

We Have the Experience, Let Us Help

I have a staff of 40 who live and breathe web development and digital marketing for the OEMs, Distributors, and Contract Manufacturers Ecreative has always served. They are committed to continue working and supporting our clients. Each day I overhear their brainstorming sessions of how they can better serve this client, or that client, amid the COVID-19 disruptions.

We can help you create a marketing plan that can make the uncertainty and unpredictability of current events seem manageable. Having a clear, thought out plan-of-action can help dissipate some of the uneasiness due to COVID-19. Whether you need a website redesign or need an analysis of your current digital marketing plan, we are here for you.

With over 35 years of experience, we understand the needs of B2B industrial companies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want or need our help. This is important. Your business is important. We are all in this together.