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Recently Viewed Products

Site visitors typically browse several products before deciding what to buy and often visit a website multiple times before making a purchase. With all that browsing and searching, it’s easy for customers to forget which products they’ve viewed.  

Display Recently Viewed Products on Your Website

Seeing a gallery of previously viewed products is a feature many users are accustomed to seeing on e-commerce sites.  Displaying recently viewed products on your B2B website gives you another opportunity to engage with customers. Improve your user experience by giving users convenient access to product pages of previous interest.

Show Customers Their Product Viewing History

The Recently Viewed Products Module keeps a database table record of each product page a customer visits when they’re logged into their account. Then the next time a user logs in, they’re presented with images of the last five products they viewed. From there, customers can click on an image to be directed to a specific product page. Each customer’s session history remains attached to their account for future reference, whether it’s been a week or a year between site visits.
This module is compatible with our cart websites and integrates seamlessly into your site design. Add other modules like our Product Comparison Tool or the Express Ordering Module to provide your customers with a more streamlined shopping experience.  

Show Recently Viewed Products on Your Website

Ecreative provides website modules aimed at improving user experience and customer satisfaction. Submit a quote request to discuss adding the Recently Viewed Products Module to your industrial B2B website.

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