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Why is Mobile SEO Important?

Marima Yang, Digital Marketing Secialist

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Why is Mobile SEO Important?

We would like to begin looking at a few components that are important while optimizing your website on a mobile standpoint.
A price tag illustration reads "SEO"

Optimize Title Tags and Meta Descriptions 

Since they inform search engine web crawlers what your page is about, optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions is crucial in increasing mobile rankings for your page. The title tag is the first thing that users see in the SERPS, so you want your tags to be strong, and relevant. Meta descriptions, however, are just as important. They provide a brief summary of the page and search engines (Google, Bing) show meta descriptions in search results and can impact click-through rates. The ideal length of title tags should be about ~50-60 characters, and meta descriptions should be ~155-160 characters. 

Page Speed 

If a user enters your website via their mobile device and the page speed is slow, it may cause them to quickly exit. Overall, if your pages are loading too slow, site visitors will leave right away. Regardless of your goal, we want your users to navigate through your site and stay longer, this will lead to increased conversions. Page speed is important to Google, and to user experience. Pages with a longer load time tend to have higher bounce rates, and lower average time on page. 

Mobile Responsive 

Nowadays, having a website work is great but you will need to make sure it performs well on a mobile view. When customers arrive at your site, the goal is for them to eventually make a purchase or request for a quote. For your website to be considered, “mobile responsive”, it’s making sure your website works for all versions of phones and tablets. The reason why this is highly considered, is because Google is now indexing all websites on mobile first, this is called Mobile First Indexing. 
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Now that you have some understanding of what plays into mobile SEO, here are some takeaways:
  1. Gives customers a reason to click onto your page 
  2. SEO Mobile reduces page load time & can result in reduced bounce rates
While not all aspects of mobile SEO optimization are listed within this blog post - the previous highlights represent a few of the most important aspects of mobile web page optimization. 


Since Google is currently indexing mobile first, focusing on mobile site optimization is your best bet for increased search engine rankings. We want you to see growth in your website, and we’re here to help, every step of the way.
If you want to see how your site can rank higher in the SERPS, and see traffic to your site, we encourage you to contact one of our digital marketing specialists at Ecreative.