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How Digital Marketing Complements Your Sales Team: Tools of the Trade

Becca Anderson, Copywriter

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A digital marketing team and sales team sit down together to discuss a unified B

How Digital Marketing Complements Your Sales Team: Tools of the Trade

Welcome back to our series on how digital industrial marketing efforts can complement your sales team! Sadly, today marks the end of our three-part series, but don’t worry! The Ecreative team still has plenty of upcoming blog posts about the latest trends in content strategies, B2B website design, and industrial marketing.

Today, we’re recommending four digital marketing tools to use within B2B marketing to complement your sales team.

Four Digital Marketing Tools to Complement Your Sales Team Today

Between global pandemics, businesses moving to permanent work-from-home models, and a generation of digital natives taking over the workforce, we conduct more and more of our sales entirely online. While that means we can reach more people than ever, it’s often difficult to stand out in the crowd.

Difficult never means impossible, though. At Ecreative, we’re big fans of working smarter, not harder. Once you’ve created a well-designed website to help with the heavy-lifting of prospecting and have curated content to assist in nurturing leads, you’re ready to get started with our four favorite digital marketing tools to help grow your industrial B2B conversions.

1. Strong Call-to-Action Messaging

Effective calls-to-action (CTAs) help guide your prospects through the buyer’s journey and convert them into customers. CTAs are brief, impactful, and effective messages designed to prompt prospects to further interact with your site and make a purchase. Whether you’re encouraging leads to sign up for a newsletter, read your blog, or reach out for a quote, effective and well-crafted CTAs and strategically placed CTA buttons increase sales, land more leads, and grow your business.

2. Utilizing Social Media

When your target audience is industrial OEMs or highly specialized engineers, utilizing social media for sales might be the last thing on your mind. While B2B marketing via social media looks different from marketing directed towards individual customers, a well-managed social media strategy can help you share content, build brand awareness, and locate niche markets. It also allows you to connect with your customers on a more individualized level—something that Gen Z and Millennials respond to exceptionally well. Presences on sites like Facebook or LinkedIn increase your service quality, attract interest to your brand, and improve your target audience reach through social media.

If you’re new to the wild, wild west of social media, or you don’t know where to begin, Ecreative can help. We offer account set-up services and social media programs to get you started.

3. Automated Behavior Triggered Emails

We all know about using email automation to stay in front of our prospects. But did you know that you can base your automation on specific behaviors displayed by visitors to your website? For instance, many industrial B2B businesses struggle with cart abandonment, where a visitor to a website adds something to their digital shopping cart but leaves without purchasing. Through automated emails triggered by a behavior—in this case, abandoning their shopping cart—prospects are reached at the most relevant moment to recapture lost sales and increase conversions.

4. Getting Personal

You are the most valuable tool in your sales kit. Keep the personal touch by keeping your face literally in front of your prospects, leads, or current clients by including video content. Whether through a regularly posted vlog or brief, personalized recorded messages, a little bit of video goes an incredibly long way. Email can sometimes feel impersonal, so bring some individualization back to your sales strategy by addressing your prospects directly through a video. When leads or clients feel they know you, they’re more likely to convert to customers.

If you aren’t comfortable using video, there are plenty of other ways to personalize your business practices, including:

Ecreative is Here to Help!

If you’re still unsure how digital marketing can complement your sales team to convert more leads into customers, Ecreative is ready to answer your questions and discuss how we can help realize your business goals through a fully optimized website. Contact us today to get started! We look forward to helping you put your best foot forward in digital marketing.