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How to Use Blog Tags

Jenna Sherrick, Digital Marketing Support Specialist

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How to Use Blog Tags

Blog tags, to be put quite simply, are a way to organize information on a blog. When doing research, I discovered Ecreative uses tags a bit differently than the traditional definition, so let us discuss both options and show you how to use them correctly.

Traditional Blog Tag Definition

Blog tags are typically one or two keywords that are specific topics or points in an article. These tags usually fall under specific blog categories associated with more general overarching topics.

For example, if you are reading the blog 5 Best Practices for More Accessible Web Design, the tags would be the specific topics covered, such as keyboard navigation, header structure, and use of colors. The “blog categories” would be web design, accessibility, or any other broader topics.

How Ecreative Uses Blog Tags

The Ecreative blog uses tags as a combination of “categories” and “tags” to categorize blog posts! As you can see in the images below, we have our most prominent tags listed in convenient locations so users can click on the tags to find more blogs related to that topic.
Where to find blog tags on the ECW blogWhere to find blog tags on the ECW blog

Why Are Blog Tags Important?

Blog tags organize our content, making it easier for users to find information they are looking for quickly and easily. Tags can also help SEO by creating rankable opportunities for your blog posts.

The Ecreative blog recently standardized blog tags for organizational purposes. Since Ecreative uses tags to categorize blogs, is it essential that all tags are standardized so users can find all blogs for a specific topic. For example, if a user is interested in brand awareness but an author tagged their blog with brand, brand recognition, or brand strategy, the user would not find all of the blogs under that topic! That is why all authors of Ecreative blogs select tags from a set list that targets the industrial B2B market.

Contact our experts for more information on blog tags or to discuss your digital marketing needs!